Company Information: Founded in 2012, Decon Automation offering industrial automation products with years' experience.
We Sell:\\ PLC, drives, HMI, Frequency converter,Sensors and other automation equipment.
Brands: Allen Bradley, Siemens, Omron, Schneider, Hitachi ,Sick,P+F, Gerfran, E+L and others
Price: All products sold are usually cheaper than the listed price and very competitive in market.
All products are genuine, factory sealed. factory warranty & technical support is available.
Decon Automation is one of the distributor for Siemens in china,have a warehouse and office in Shenzhen,
Stock thousands of products and brands in there, most of products could delivery within 3 days.
Welcome to visit our website for more information:
Why Choose us: 1. Small Profits and quick returns, competitive price, lower than market.
2. All products are warranty for 1 year.
4. Thousands of stocks in warehouse,delivery time always within 3 days.
5. We could provide any product in the field of automation.
6. Experienced technichal support team will always solve your problem.
Our stoks in warehouse:
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![Panelview Plus 6 Graphic Terminals Operator Interfaces Panelview Plus Terminal]()
Our customers from all over the world: